Four Connecticut Girl Scouts will get merit badges that have been in space, as winners of a STEM "Girl Scouts on the Moon" essay contest coordinated in collaboration with NASA.
Girl Scouts of Ridgefield End of Year Ceremony in Ballard Park. The ceremony recognized Angelina Cerulli, Caroline McGrath and Sofia Schaffer for earning their Gold awards, the highest leadership award available to Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts.
We posted back in February about a young Ridgefielder s mission: Ruby Weiner, a 6th Grade Student at Scott s Ridge Middle School and Cadette Girl Scout wants to help young community members experiencing food insecurity by creating a second Little Pantry in Ridgefield.
With the help of some community partners, Ruby s Little Pantry was installed yesterday in Nature s Temptationsparking lot by Clark Construction of Ridgefield! The official ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held
this Sunday, April 25th at 1 PM at Ridgebury Congregational Church located at 605 Ridgebury Road.
Come out on Sunday and support Ruby Weiner as she continues to work hard by helping our community. Please consider making a small contribution to the Little Pantry throughout the year to help our neighbors in need, Nature s Temptations wrote on their