Putin s promises of expanded trade links and reliability in working in Russia are being overshadowed by the concerns of high inflation, foreign sanctions, asset seizures, and the windfall profit tax.
glib, has his finger on the button. that is why the united states is appropriately concerned by this. jim sciutto, thank you very much for your reporting. reporter: thanks. now to nic robertson. i wonder how putin is reacting to the sanctions. interest rates up, ruble down, even as the nuclear threat appears to be up. reporter: sure. the country is getting hammered at the moment. putin, through a spokesman, said he is indifferent. that s a quote to the personal sanctions put on imhad. the kremlin keeps insisting all of putin s moderate personal weight is public. so they keep pushing back on this notion that he s incredibly wealthy. of course much of the world sees it in another light. when it comes to the overall economy, putin is meeting today with his minister of finance,