senator cruz s position in 2014 and some of the statements he made around immigration reform? i think there s a sense, it s not quite as clear to me that people know as much about senator cruz s position on immigration as they may have about for example senator rubio s support of that comprehensive immigration reform bill, something that was very high-profile at the time back in 2013. but cruz, remember, he s doing this tour right now, alex, this fly-around of the so-called s.e.c. primary states, the super tuesday states that vote on march 1st, and in a lot of these particularly southern states and a lot of places where there are very strong there is a very strong conservative base you ve got folks that do not support any kind of legalization for undocumented immigrants, people living in this country here legally. and in fact, this is an issue when you look at the polling that ted cruz beats senator rubio in. hallie jackson with nbc news. thanks for the update, hallie. joining me
senator cruz s position on immigration as they may have about for example senator rubio s support of that comprehensive immigration reform bill, something that was very high-profile at the time back in 2013. but cruz, remember, he s doing this tour right now, alex, this fly-around of the so-called s.e.c. primary states, the super tuesday states that vote on march 1st, and in a lot of these particularly southern states and a lot of places where there are very strong there is a very strong conservative base you ve got folks that do not support any kind of legalization for undocumented immigrants, people living in this country here legally. and in fact, this is an issue when you look at the polling that ted cruz beats senator rubio in. hallie jackson with nbc news. thanks for the update, hallie. joining me now are sam stein, senior politics editor of the huffington post and betsy woodruff, politics reporter at the daily beast. sam, let me ask you a question. is this the moment where t