Officers were fearful for their lives and the lives of other officers with them, having observed the callous disregard that was already demonstrated by this desperate fugitive. He subsequently moved to the front of the b w to avoid the rear car swing coming towards him. As reyes and other officers scrambled out of the past of the vehicle, the driver surge forward aggressively. Officers retreat have forced them into a disadvantageous position. Officers were encircling the position with the middle of the passenger side to the front driver side and lieu was ahead of the bmw. He served the bmw as a battering ram. He smashed into the police car, striking it with such force that the front passenger door folded forward. Ryan and lieu were now vulnerable to the militias operator. They saw him directly ahead of him as it was careening for work. He was fearful they were in imminent danger of serious Bodily Injury or death. However, with the suspect vehicle bearing down on partners, he was unable
Composure by recognizing this. They faced it and it danger. Both officers feared for their lives. And the lives of their partners. Despite this fear, the officers recognized the substantial risk of death or serious Bodily Injury that the escapee posed not only to them, but all other Law Enforcement officers he might later encounter, let alone the public at large should discontinue. In a split second of the bmw approach, they moved tactically to create safe angles of fire. Having exhausted all of a reasonable means of apprehension, they fired several rounds of the driver, and as a result, the suspect was struck, in capacitive incapacitated and taken into custody. At the conclusion of the encounter, sir john ryan and officer lieu maintain security on the screen on the scene until additional officers arrived to assist. An ambulance was immediately summoned. The suspect was transported to San Francisco General Hospital and later succumbed to his gunshot wounds. In the Bank Robbery Suspect
In this situation, i believe the courage and fortitude the Sergeant Manning displayed here not only save his life, the lead of his partners, and the life of the threemonth old child on the bed, and for that he is being awarded the bronze medal of valor. [applause] sergeant orkes will read the citation. Good evening. Please allow me to introduce three members of the San Francisco Police Department that i am proud to call heroes. Sgt josh espinoza, officer ha, and officer solorzano. December 31, this batch had a call that a vehicle was on fire at 1645 folsom street and indicated they did not indicate if anyone was in the car or not. Sgt espinoza was the first unit on the scene. He arrived on the scene, did a quick survey and then notified dispatch of what was going on. While surveying the scene, he realized an individual was trapped in the drivers seat in the car was engulfed in flames. Fully knowing the danger that was in front of him, he did not hesitate. He immediately ran to the car
Any person who might inadvertently cross his path, should he escape from the park. Searchers got ryan, rubin reyes recognize the danger. Even when faced with serious Bodily Injury or death, these officers remain steadfast and determined to protect not only themselves and one another, but the public at large from the disregard of the fleeing fugitive. Sir john ryan, officer lou andrelieu and reyes , when confd with a violent situation, they responded with no were the bravery and poise. They were fully responsible to the danger, but to the rapidly devolving lifethreatening circumstances that unfolded as a result of them trying to apprehend him. Based upon this information, i have no choice but to put the men for a medal of valor. To c. S. Lewis, coverage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue of the testing point, something these officers were tested with. To our command staff, ladies and gentlemen, i present to you the recipients of the silver medal of valor, Ser
Capt. Eric vintero and officers heppler and carrasco. Good evening. I would like to introduce officer Troy Carrasco and william elppler, october 3, 2011, Police Dispatch put out a call of the stabbing that had just occurred. Several richmond units began responding to the scene. Officer robert long are right first in salt a suspect standing in front of 16th avenue. He saw he was holding his right hand in was dripping with blood. He also observed there was blood all of the sidewalk in front of the victims house. He rendered first aid and so stayed with the victim. Officers chased of fillmore, kevin i sent and Sergeant Mary gray responded to the scene as back of units. Elderly male victim told responded officers that his son had stabbed him, and that he was somewhere inside of the house at 636 funston avenue. He said his son was suffering from mental issues. Officers quickly determined there were other family members inside the house with the suspect. Officers knew there could be for thei