Ladies and gentlemen, happy Constitution Day it is so exciting to welcome hire on the 230th birthday of the u. S. Constitution. We had such an exciting morning. We heard from ken burns and lynn novak interviewed by David Ruben Rosenstein about their new vietnam documentary and we heard from the plaintiffs descendants in crucial cases and now we will hear what every american should no about the Constitutional Convention and founding documents from the person in america who has done more to increase Public Awareness of those documents that anyone else. David Ruben Rosenstein had an extraordinary career. Early on in washington me worked under senator birch bah. Birch bye, who is about to turn 90. He is the only living american central to two constitutional amendments. The 25thth amendment and 26th amendment giving 18 yearolds the right to vote. Please join me in giving appreciation for the senator. David went onto a distinguished career in the carter white house. He is head of the Carlisl