Delhi Police has arrested two men who allegedly impersonated as RTO officials and duped a person of Rs 50,000 on the pretext of providing duplicate NOC of his vehicle, officials said on Wednesday.
Riders operating for bike-taxi startup Rapido gather in front of HSR Layout police station after their bikes were seized
BENGALURU: Around 40 riders operating for online bike-taxi startup Rapido gathered outside HSR Layout police station on Friday and sought intervention of cops after their two-wheelers were seized by RTO officials.
For a couple of days now, RTO officials have been seizing bikes attached with Rapido across the city, claiming the bike-taxi service has no licence. According to RTO, owners of the seized motorbikes should pay a minimum fine of Rs 5,500 to get the vehicles released. The protesters urged police to get Rapido officials pay the amount and get their bikes released.