O Benfica venceu hoje a Juventus por 2-1, em jogo da segunda jornada do Grupo H da Liga dos Campeões, numa partida em que conseguiu inverter uma desvantagem madrugadora, atingido o 12.º triunfo da época.
Millicom International Cellular S.A. (NASDAQ:TIGO – Get Rating) shares hit a new 52-week low during trading on Monday . The stock traded as low as $15.65 and last traded at $15.69, with a volume of 438 shares. The stock had previously closed at $16.59. TIGO has been the subject of several research analyst reports. Scotiabank […]
Rwanda was slow to liberalise the mobile sector, allowing MTN a monopoly until 2006 when the fixed-line incumbent, Rwandatel (since acquired by Liquid Intelligence Technologies) became the second mobile operator.