Most of the Hindi films failed at the box office. Rajamouli was asked to share why Hindi films are getting flopped at the box office. During the Filmmakers’ Adda conversation, conducted by Film Companion, SS Rajamouli said that the filmmakers should not become complacent if their films do well at the box office.
Rajamouli has started his oscar campaign for RRR in the USA. Rajamouli is likely to stay in the US for the next couple of months and he is trying his best to push the film for Oscars. Here's the nomination list of RRR for Oscars 2022:
Rrr Movie Review Rating: Jr NTR and Ram Charan as freedom fighters. He also stated that Bollywood actors Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn were signed up for the movie. After the super successful franchise Baahubali 1 and 2 which created new records and set new benchmarks in the Indian box office, fans were eagerly waiting to know what Rajamouli had on his mind next. Following
Jr NTR is awaiting the release of RRR which is set to hit theatres this Friday. Highly placed sources suggest that Jr NTR has booked a private screening of RRR today at 9PM in AMB Cinemas.