US is Ill-Prepared to Safely Manage its Nuclear Waste from Climate Threats More than 150 sites across the country have to be managed for radioactive waste for centuries or millennia. But there’s no plan in place for how this will be done, says GAO report. Charles Pekow
December 29, 2020
The Cold War never erupted into the nuclear nightmare that the world feared for decades. But the legacy of the never-used nuclear weapons remains a ticking time bomb that could endanger countless people and lead to environmental catastrophe any time.
A radiation warning sign on the fence outside the restricted area at the Maxey Flat Low Level Radioactive Waste site in Kentucky. The GAO report says there is no plan in place for nuclear waste sites that need to be safeguarded against increasingly frequent and severe rainfall, tornadoes, hurricanes and accompanying flooding and forest fires. Photo by RRJackson / Wikimedia Commons.