longest running monarch in british history and the second longest sovereign in world history behind louis the 14th of france. today, king charles the third was formally declared as monarch, hours before buckingham palace announced queen elizabeth state funeral will be held on monday september 19th. the ceremony at st. james s palace in london officially marks a new era in british rule. though charles automatically became king after his mother s death, he was officially announced as britain s new king in a ceremony steeped in ancient tradition and colonial symbolism. and for the first time, it was broadcast live. its dedication and its devotion. in taking up these prp responsibilities, i shall strive to follow the ex inspiring example i have been set in upholding constitutional government and to see the peace,
didn t want this current situation where we re at, by every indication of how they handled this. there was this this request that was put in in late may, that was complied with, the subpoena that was complied within early june. so they sort of went through the protocols here and tried to avoid coming to this point. but it was there is a certain point where they the documents were being withheld that they felt the need to go in and seize them through this search warrant. i don t think this is a case that, you know, doj is really gunning to go for, right. this idea that it is not not necessarily the largest potential case that you could bring against a former president. there are a lot of ways that bringing a case against a former prp could divide the country. so i think that merrick garland is going by the rules and by the book in every way that he can and sort of sticking with what the proper protocols are. and making sure that it was i think he was frustrated
The National Assembly (NA), including the NA Standing Committee's Board for Deputy Affairs, stands ready to share experience regarding supervision activities of People’s Councils, the Vietnamese top legislator told a Lao official in Hanoi on August 10.
proactive and aggressive to try to get out front and try to limit the ability of trump world to claim this executive privilege. how much of getting out front, right, and trying to maybe actively avoid that delay, is related to the fact that there is an election looming and that donald trump is likely to soon declare candidacy again? the longer the delay, the more the political peril for doj because then they will be investigating and possibly even prosecuting the leading candidate for president on the prp side in 2024. that is why they want to get this done sooner than later. also, this is all proof that the department of justice is indeed investigating donald trump. i know there is some confusion about that, but the fact that they are proactively trying to block the implication of executive privilege is to find out what trump said and did on and around january 6. this is also really trying to get the trump world to speak freely. they want to get the former president to stand down
Prime People Plc (LON:PRP – Get Rating) shares crossed above its 50 day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a 50 day moving average of GBX 67 ($0.80) and traded as high as GBX 73.48 ($0.88). Prime People shares last traded at GBX 67 ($0.80), with a volume of 101,325 shares […]