Whether we were saving the Capital Wasteland or damning it, Fallout 3 was a journey retreading countless times and that’s what made Bethesda’s gambit a truly iconic title.
You may have seen them or you may have been lucky (or unlucky depending on how you look at it) enough to slip through the game without ever laying your eyes on these magnificent spectacles. These are the 10 Funniest Fallout 4 Glitches.
On January 18, 2010, millions of gamers were shocked, as BioWare killed Commander Shepard in the opening scenes of what is arguably one of the best action-RPGs of its generation, Mass Effect 2.
Krafton s Garuda Saga is part of the gaming giant s latest efforts to localise its offerings in India and deepen its footprint in the country s rapidly-growing gaming ecosystem.