Alleged desecration of a religious flag led to brick-batting between two groups and arson at Shastrinagar in Jamshedpur, prompting the authorities to impose Prohibitory Orders under Section 144 of CrPC in the locality on Sunday evening. Two shops and an auto-rickshaw were set ablaze by the warring groups and the police fired tear gas shells to disperse the mob. Police force has been deployed in Shastrinagar under Kadma police station in Jharkhand to maintain law and order.
RPC (NYSE:RES – Get Rating) had its price target decreased by Susquehanna from $10.50 to $8.50 in a report released on Monday morning, The Fly reports. Separately, began coverage on shares of RPC in a research note on Thursday, March 16th. They issued a buy rating on the stock. One analyst has rated the […]
Over half of those over 50 plan to continue working on in retirement, according to recent survey results from research conducted by the Retirement Planning Coun.
RPC (NYSE:RES – Get Rating) had its price target dropped by analysts at Susquehanna from $10.50 to $8.50 in a research report issued to clients and investors on Monday, The Fly reports. Susquehanna’s target price suggests a potential upside of 2.04% from the stock’s previous close. Separately, started coverage on shares of RPC in […]