we know some of the bridges are closed in and around boston. we know authorities are on the hunt for some person or persons who set bombs aside the route of the boston marathon and killed people. on the line with us is the former white house security councilmember, rp eddie is with us. he is a terrorism expert these days. it is nice to talk to you. hi, shep, i wish it was better circumstances. as well as we all do. i wonder if in the early going you have lots of sources and connections. i wonder if you can alleviate any fears for us. well, i wish i could. i think there are a lot of questions unanswered. i guess the best news that we can take at this point is it doesn t appear that it was a very large bomb. while it was semicoordinated
representatives. i don t know if we have a feed, but i know a moment of silence is underway. the nation looks to one of our oldest and most treasured cities . it is one of the finest events around on this patriots day in boston. it is one of celebration in that city, but one marked for many years from time to time with moments of great tragedy in this nation. rp eddie we can look back to columbine not so much columbine, but the oklahoma city building and the events at waco and just wonder it appear he s dropped off the line. no, no. i am here. that is an interesting question, shep. again making a supposition at this point is foolish. but i would not be surprised if we find this to be a lone wolf or local group. perhaps this could be different, but perhaps something like a uni-bomber
it didn t appear to be a very coordinated series of attacks or across many areas. that would lead me to think it was a very small cell. my initial guess and you shouldn t really make these, but based on your question of alleviating fears is it is a local, domestic cell, probably semiamateurish. it is not something that should give us an immense amount of fear at this point. and i want to get this in while i can, the boston police department just informed an update the jfk incident and i am talking about the jfk library in dorchester, that incident appears to be related to a fire. it is related to a fire. so the initial report from boston police and the state police that there had been an explosion at john f. kennedy library was accurate. when they said don t draw conclusions and do what you will, we now are informed that this may have been a fire. rp eddie it is possible now the only reports we have of