COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT NO 19/2023 – May 30, 2023 Transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and/or persons closely associated Royal Unibrew A/S hereby makes public. | May 30, 2023
COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT NO 18/2023 – MAY 9, 2023 Launch of Long-Term Incentive Plan for executive management and key employees Royal Unibrew A/S launches a new share based Long-Term Incentive. | May 9, 2023
Royal Unibrew A/S hereby makes public pursuant to article 19 of regulation no. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on market abuse the information on the below transaction related. | May 3, 2023
Royal Unibrew A/S hereby makes public pursuant to article 19 of regulation no. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on market abuse the information on the below transaction related. | May 2, 2023
The quarter progressed as expected – full-year guidance maintained Statement by Royal Unibrew’s CEO Lars Jensen: “The first quarter of 2023 has progressed as planned. Following a. | April 27, 2023