Continuing with their campaign monitoring the price of goods in supermarkets, the FACUA-Consumers in Action group report that prices on some products, especially those where the IVA reduction should be applied, are still increasing. In this latest audit, the group checked on the evolution of 1,000 food prices affected by the IVA reduction in eight
Now available in the U.S., this free, innovative genetic health risk service lets consumers screen for their risk of alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency through a small saliva sample they can collect right. | May 11, 2023
On Tuesday, the Council of Ministers is expected to approve the reform of the regulated electricity tariff – the so-called Voluntary Price for Small Consumers (PVPC) – which will mean a significant reduction in the volatility of electricity bills. The Ministry of Ecological Transition will thus comply with the conditions imposed by the European Commission
FACUA-Consumers in Action has carried out a follow-up on the evolution of almost 1,000 food prices affected by the IVA reduction in eight large distribution chains, the results of which reveal that four out of ten of the products analysed by the association have increased in price, which is why the inflationary escalation continues, taking
The number of people registered in the offices of the Public State Employment Service (SEPE), at the end of March, has decreased by 48,755 people (-1.67%) in relation to the previous month. This relative decline is the largest in the last two decades. This is especially positive data in an international financial international economic context