NJ LCV Endorses Establishment Democratic Slate in Battleground LD16 By Insider NJ | May 17, 2021, 12:03 pm | in Caucus Room
New Jersey League of Conservation Voters today announced its endorsement today of Andrew Zwicker, Roy Freiman and Sadaf Jaffer for election in New Jersey Legislative District 16. Zwicker is a current Assemblyman running to become the first-ever Democrat to represent the district in the Senate, Freiman is pursuing a third term in the General Assembly, and Jaffer will seek to fill the Assembly seat left open by Zwicker.
“LD-16 has been the head of the spear for environmental protection, that’s why we are proud to endorse Andrew Zwicker for State Senate and Roy Freiman and Sadaf Jaffer for Assembly to continue this important role of championing conservation,” said
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Good Thursday morning!
Gov. Phil Murphy is on a tight deadline for cannabis, with few good options.
The state Senate’s clean-up bills to sort out penalties for underage pot users fell apart yesterday. Now, Murphy is forced to either sign cannabis legislation sent to him in December which doesn’t include the underage penalties he wants or veto the measure altogether. Senate President Steve Sweeney has also promised to reject any conditional veto.