Framework of the strategy In the comIng perIod. The comIng perIod. Also, we have talked the comIng perIod. Also, we have talked about the comIng perIod. Also, we have talked about the the comIng perIod. Also, we have talked about the gIantl have talked about the gIant commItment, and also. And also, presIdent Joe BIden to develop and further develop the economIc and cultural relatIons and socIal ones as well. And we have talked as well about dIfferent other bIlateral fIles. We have talked about the egyptIan and afrIcan and arab candIdates for the unesco posItIon, and the Importance of lIftIng the InjustIce targeted at the arabIc and egyptIan cIvIlIsatIon, to have the DIrector General Of Unesco from egypt and from the arab countrIes, and we have talked about some other regIonal fIles and InternatIonalfIles, the and InternatIonal fIles, the dangerous and InternatIonalfIles, the dangerous challenges that threaten the Safety And StabIlIty of the MIddle East and the afrIcan content and the