Do so we know that San Francisco has added and will continue to add tens of thousands of jobs and housing over the next decade and we needed to be able to fund the transportation infrastructure to meet the demand by this growth our city impact fees was and is innovative funding mechanism to pay for transit with nonresidential developers contributing to the muni system for years we think that make sense to have market rate Housing Developers pay their fair share this Transportation Sustainability fee brings also in regional operates and caltrain where ridership is sorry region operators like bart and caltrans our county wide Transportation Plan as well as the Mayors Task Force identified the need for billions of of investment in Maintenance Management and expansion of our Transportation System the t s f is one piece of a larger piece but critical building on prop a and prop a and helping seek the voter approvals next year and with the declining state and federal funding we need to inves
Do not have to go to the beach to wash their clothes. Their lives are transformed. The have the sense of possibility that you have here. Theyre thinking, how do i get my kid to dartmouth . That is the summit of their aspirations. All i am saying is, lets make it possible for them to do it. Lets realize that we have a great formula and lets fight, be community activists, not just to redistribute the pie, but to widen the pies. And widen the possibilities of the world. Thank you very much. [applause] the National Geographic did a study some years ago of 18 to 25yearold american kids. They asked him to identify countries on a blank world map. 80 could not find iraq. 80 of american young people could not find iraq. 80 could not find israel or palestine. 40 could not find england and 10 could not find United States. That one makes us laugh but the others, not so much. It is hard for americans. That is what american exceptionalism leaves you with. It leaves you with a sense that you we are t
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