PLAINFIELD Judith Belyea was in her historic farmhouse home on Route 120 on Sunday morning when she was awakened by what sounded like a boom, so she didn’t pay much attention.“I thought it was thunder and lightning in the storm,” Belyea recalled.But.
DHMC, others to pay portion of road upgrade
Modified: 3/31/2021 10:20:17 PM
LEBANON Plans to upgrade a heavily trafficked intersection near Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center would see the hospital and nearby property owners split planning and construction costs over multiple years.
But the burden won’t be evenly applied to all.
The hospital which owns 10 properties within an assessment district proposed by city planners would be on the hook for more than 83% of the price tag for projects that will cost at least hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Officials say that’s because the majority of drivers passing through the intersection of Mount Support Road and Lahaye Drive are on their way to and from DHMC.