so cool. our own barry mitchell had the chance to interview caesar a few years ago. he spoke to barry about early years of television. take a listen. you started your show of shows back in 1950? 1949. that s when you re being in the business from the very, very beginning. caesar went on to share a story about a scene with another brilliant comedian. gene cocha. and he said the stage hands hit the pair with cold water again and again. finally became impossible to talk. so caesar improvised saying, kind of rough tonight, ain t it? and cocoa cracked up on live tv. the scene went in a completely unexpected direction, and you can look for the entire clip on i ll be checking that out. looks like funny stuff. just a naturally funny guy. he can do anything with the material and just be funny on the spot. that s our news for this half hour. remember to follow us on facebook at on wwn f m.