Banco Santander S.A. Individual and Consolidated Interim Financial Statements Condensed Prepared According to Adopted Accounting Practices. | April 25, 2023
Banco Santander S.A. Individual and Consolidated Interim Financial Statements Condensed Prepared According to Adopted Accounting Practices. | April 25, 2023
Brazil’s president-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is expected to reinstate the country’s culture ministry, which was dismantled by his predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro, in 2019. The Art Newspaper notes that Lula, as the once and future leader is nicknamed, made the promise to restore the ministry a part of his campaign platform. He also vowed to increase funding to the Rouanet Law, a federal tax incentive to provide monies to cultural endeavors that saw funding cut by more than 50 percent under Bolsonaro, who publicly demonized it as promoting corruption.Lula is also tasked with selecting a new
The Brazilian president referred to Argentina’s economic situation in an ironic use of inclusive language, after condemning its use in Argentina. He also criticised his opponent Lula Da Silva.