Stop by and visit Dory and other wonderful shelter pets Monday through Saturday from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Corpus Christi Animal Services at 2626 Holly Rd.
A female Chocolate Lab/Rottweiler Mix has been found around Fargo North High School yesterday. She is wearing a light blue collar with no tags. She ha.
today those troops have been pushed back. reporter: clinton says those close to gadhafi have been reaching out, looking for a way out of this mess for him, but he remains publicly defiant, vowing in an appearance on libyan television that he will not back down. the united nations calls the effort operation odyssey dawn, nato calls it operation unified protector. rob and peggy? and thanks, john. appreciate that report. also defense analysts predict the no-fly zone military action over libya could end up costing coalition forces more than $1 billion if the operation drags on for months. those tomahawk missiles dropped by the u.s. and britain could cost about $200 million alone. the pentagon has issued no estimates on its cost but experts predict the u.s. will foot most of the bill. switching gears now, this song says everything is beautiful in its own way and a 2-year-old dog if chicago is hoping those lyrics hold true. the rottweiler mix has been up for adoption for five m