we already know everything we need to know about that group. the fact is, it s a real human being that died as opposed to this dehumanized mass of rotting flesh. the people in guyana were the best people you would ever meet. they were the most dedicated. they were not people who were bought out by fancy cars. they were not people who wanted the fanciest trappings in the world around them. really we were people who wanted to work and do whatever it took. the truth is, you know, your average joe american could get caught up in something of a closed community if his or her needs were right and the opportunity presented itself. particularly for anyone who is disenfranchised. it s like, okay, what do i do to remove some of that guilt or some of the filth that is
that i saw, that al qaeda had. the bloodstain walls, the smell of rotting flesh. that me, and the video tape equipment, so it s videotaped, to me that s torture. could we have the discussion about enhanced interrogation techniques, is it abusive? contrary to american morals? yes. i think the word torture is beyond. survival escape school. every single pilot, air crew, as well as snipers or special forces soldiers, who are s.e.a.l.s, they go through the training. every single one of those enhanced interrogation techniques is done to american personnel. that includes waterboarding. i m not sure if they do it anymore. the box. food deprivation. sleep depdeprivations. we re taught how to resist those techniques. the difference is we know that
this dehumanized mass of rotting flesh. the people in guyana were the best people you would ever meet. they were the most dedicated. they were not people who were bought out by fancy cars. they were not people who wanted the fanciest trappings in the world around them. really we were people who wanted to work and do whatever it took. the truth is, you know, your average joe american could get caught up in something of a closed community if his or her needs were right and the opportunity presented itself. particularly for anyone who is disenfranchised. it s like, okay, what do i do to remove some of that guilt or
we already know everything we need to know about that group. the fact is, it s a real human being that died, as opposed to this dehumanized mass of rotting flesh. the people in guyana were the best people you would ever meet. they were the most dedicated. they were not people who were bought out by fancy cars. they were not people who wanted the fanciest trappings in the world around them. really we were people who wanted to work and do whatever it took. the truth is, you know, your average joe american could get caught up in something of a closed community if his or her needs were right and the opportunity presented itself. particularly for anyone who is disenfranchised.
we run in jeeps most of the time. you do not want to be on the ground with them because they can run faster than 30 miles per hour. they have really poor eyesight. so if one is chasing you, you probably just want to throw an article of clothing and hopefully he ll get distracted by that. you took billy to an area where stored is millions of dollars worth of hydes and rhino tusks. talk to us about that. that was the most powerful moment i think emotionally in the show. because there is everything there. there is tiger skins, leopard skins and rhino skin. and some of it still has the meat attached to it, it s drying in this massive cave and you ll see this emotional moment where he has to put his shirt across his nose because the stench is so bad from the rotting flesh. it s amazing. i ve looked at some of the video. it s breath taking and a little scary at times.