Bay of Plenty Regional Council heating subsidies running out
16 Apr, 2021 12:00 AM
4 minutes to read
Rotorua s air quality needs improving. Photo / File
Time is running out to get council help to replace old, non-compliant forms of heating in Rotorua.
It is illegal to use wood burners installed before September 2005 in homes within the Rotorua Airshed - a geographical area where air quality is poor.
While it is not illegal to own one, you are not allowed to use them. Nor can you use coal burners, multi-fuel burners, chip heaters, coal ranges, cookers, Marshall heaters and indoor open fires.
This is laid out in the Bay of Plenty Regional Council s Air Quality Control Bylaw for Rotorua, which came into force in January last year.
Concerns at new subdivision prompt moves by BOPRC to extend Rotorua Airshed
15 Dec, 2020 05:00 PM
3 minutes to read
Rotorua s air quality is potentially at risk, Bay of Plenty Regional Council has been told. Photo / File
Rotorua s air quality is potentially at risk, Bay of Plenty Regional Council has been told. Photo / File
Building consents for homes in a new Pukehangi subdivision have prompted moves to extend the Rotorua Airshed.
The Bay of Plenty Regional Council Monitoring and Operations Committee was asked in a meeting yesterday to consider the idea as a way to help protect and retain the city s existing air quality.