227-205, the bill is passed. a really big historic win for middle class families yesterday. this is how you make america great again. ainsley: rosy on he donald attacked you and said your life was saved and called you the a word. if you have to use curse words and name-calling, you ve already lost the argument. when republicans are in power, the first thing they want to do is give tax to the rich. what you said is not right. i came from the lower middle class. this bull crap really gets old after a while. steve: hillary clinton claiming a special counsel investigation in the uranium one deal would be an abuse of power. we re going to get an answer some time in the next few months. there s new factor in evidence now. people are looking at it. congress has issues that were previously not known. ainsley: al franken is accused of sexual misconduct. that is never funny. is it funny if it happens to your daughter or your wife? the bible is open today in