I was sitting next to three elderly women in a Dublin cafe the other day, and such was the craic and banter coming from their table that I couldn’t resist a bit of Maeve Binchy-style eavesdropping.
Sometimes it takes an accomplished actor in a fictionalised drama to deliver a dose of reality, especially when life-threatening illness is being portrayed.
There’s no doubt that the line-up in entertainment terms between now and next spring is very impressive. Here, for your perusal and in no particular order, is a little taster: Nathan Carter, Jason Byrne, Joe the Magician, The Fureys, ABBA Forever, Declan O’Rourke, the Mack Fleetwood tribute band, and Anne Gildea with her distinctive take on How to Get the Menopause and Enjoy It.
Sir If ever there was an opportunity to secure the future of our nation it is the one which now presents itself by way of massive windfall taxes which are forecast to continue over the next few years and are estimated to run into tens of billions of euro.