Pictures of Khatera Ahmadi were shared across the world when the Taliban ordered female journalists to cover their faces on air. The former TOLOnews journalist has since fled to Pakistan over fears for her family’s safety. Muska Safi has the story, narrated by Roshan Noorzai.
WASHINGTON - It's approaching six months since the Taliban took over the Afghan capital, Kabul, on August 15. And in the months since the U.S. withdr
WASHINGTON - It's approaching six months since the Taliban took over the Afghan capital, Kabul, on August 15. And in the months since the U.S. withdr
WASHINGTON - It's approaching six months since the Taliban took over the Afghan capital, Kabul, on August 15. And in the months since the U.S. withdr
WASHINGTON - It's approaching six months since the Taliban took over the Afghan capital, Kabul, on August 15. And in the months since the U.S. withdr