During the future tribulation period, the world will be ruled by a godless man presiding over an evil governmental system. The Bible associates this end-times ruler with a terrible beast in Revelation and in Daniel… In Revelation 13 John sees a nightmarish vision of a dragon and two beasts. The first beast comes out of the sea and| USSA News
The Trumpland lawyers are
wildin’ out today. And every day, of course, but today is something special. Check out Rudy Giuliani, who marched on stage to a rousing chorus of “Macho Man,” then exhorted his followers to keep Trump in power by “combat.”
Rudy Giuliani tells a revved up group of Stop the Steal protesters that we should have trial by combat. pic.twitter.com/G5TZ8Lro0e
“Let’s have trial by combat,” he roared in the middle of a rant about “crooked Dominion machines.” And perhaps he was just talking about an election challenge, although it’s an interesting turn of phrase when addressing a mob of armed rioters intent on storming congress to ensure their guy stays in power. (Indeed, as we were typing, those same protestors breached the security barrier at congress, forcing the evacuation of the Cannon Building.)
Ed MorrisseyPosted at 10:41 am on January 6, 2021
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Just remember that this attorney, who worked on behalf of Donald Trump, kept holding rallies all through the runoffs in Georgia. Having Lin Wood as a thought leader in the state just as people had to decide which party should control the Senate worked out well, huh?
Today, Wood sets his sights a bit higher than the Senate. Now he wants the Vice President arrested for treason. Along with a few others, by the way (via Twitchy):
MUST BE DONE LIST before Congress meets today:
1. Mike Pence @vp@Mike Pence must resign & thereafter be charged with TREASON.