Lorraine Tuck’s show for this year’s Arts Festival tells the story of a family living with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability. Her two sons have ASD, with the younger boy having profound disabilities. But despite the challenges, theirs is a happy, acitve home as documentary photographer Lorraine captures in this exhibition. It also features her […]
Galway Bay FM
8 January 2021
Galway Bay fm newsroom – Galway East TD and Junior Minister Anne Rabbitte is appealing for unions to revisit their support of the closure of schools for children with special needs.
Minister Rabbitte – who has responsibility for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth – says parents have been left absolutely ‘devastated’ by the situation.
She says while remote working is possible for most students, those with special needs cannot simply ‘get behind a keyboard’ and children and parents are being stripped of an absolutely vital service.
Earlier this week, the Children’s Ombudsman urged the Government to keep schools open for children with special needs, recognising they would suffer disproportionately.