An official blue-and-yellow, cast-aluminum state historical marker commemorating “The Rosedale Banishment” was installed at Hinckston Run Reservoir on Tuesday.
The Rosedale banishment, one of the darkest moments in Johnstown’s history, was examined as not only a historic event from 1923 during a vigil in Central Park on Thursday, but
A century to the day from when Blacks and Mexicans who had not lived in Johnstown for at least seven years were banished and the Ku Klux Klan burned crosses
The Rosedale banishment, one of the darkest moments in Johnstown’s history, was examined as not only a historic event from 1923 during a vigil in Central Park on Thursday, but
A century to the day from when Blacks and Mexicans who had not lived in Johnstown for at least seven years were banished and the Ku Klux Klan burned crosses