Johnson s book offers a glimpse into Black life in rural Montana in the late 1800s and early 1900s by exploring the extraordinary life of Rose Gordon of White Sulphur Springs.
The Montana Historical Society once again is offering a wide range of programs at its Helena facility, but you don’t have to attend most of them in person to enjoy history. The programs range from information on the reality of childbearing in the old West to the MTHS director’s vision of the new Montana Heritage Center. The programs are at the MTHS auditorium at 225 No. Roberts St., and livestreamed on the MTHS YouTube channel unless otherwise noted.
The book I'll have up for grabs tomorrow, Saturday morning, at 7:30, on Puff Man Sports Trivia's, A Black Woman's West-The Life of Rose B. Gordon. It's the
The book I'll have up for grabs tomorrow, Saturday morning, at 7:30, on Puff Man Sports Trivia's, A Black Woman's West-The Life of Rose B. Gordon. It's the