arrow NYCHA buildings on the Lower East Side. Erik Pendzich/Shutterstock
The New York City Housing Authority has once again earned the embarrassing distinction of being one of the worst landlords in the five boroughs, according to data compiled by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams.
The public advocate s office on Tuesday released its annual Worst Landlord Watch List, which judges landlords against the number of open tenant repair requests. While the list measures 100 bad landlords according to the number of B and C violations considered the most egregious received through the city Department Housing Preservation and Development, NYCHA s metrics were measured according to the number of work orders filed, since HPD holds no oversight over NYCHA properties.
A couple and their 2-year-old were kicked off a United Airlines flight Saturday after the child refused to wear a mask.
Jason Korn, the 2019 worst individual landlord, remains in the top spot for the second year in a row after amassing an average of 1,822 violations across 10 buildings on the list.
Williams said that in addition to the what s occurring inside Korn s buildings is the injustice of his attempts to force tenants out.
As the coronavirus continues to devastate the city and with cases rising, he said Korn is currently threatening to evict a group of Crown Heights tenants who have organized a rent strike citing widespread neglect and deplorable conditions.