Members of this 'inner circle' of devotees are required to sign a contract agreeing to serve Sea Org 'for the next billion years.' WASHINGTON, D.C. (Catholic Online) - Sea Organization or Sea Org .
A heart that is humble rests confidently in His mercy and love, and has no fear of being little or unnoticed, nor any need for adulation. St. Therese helps me understand: "the splendor of the rose .
St. Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church (Feast day-July 15) St. Bonaventure, known as "the seraphic doctor," was born at Bagnoregio, in the Lazio region of central Italy, in 1221. He received the name of Bonaventure in consequence of an exclamation of St. Francis of Assisi, .
Catholic Online School is a reliable supplement to your parish catechetical program. Occasionally we get a question from someone who wants to know if they can use our school to support their parish .