Small Edinburgh park gifted trees and shrubs to brighten area and tackle emissions
A small park next to the Water of Leith has been brightened up with a host of carefully selected trees and shrubs.
Wednesday, 17th March 2021, 7:00 am
Lady Jennifer Bute and with Ruthe Davies Edinburgh City Council s trees and woodlands officer Picture: Lisa Ferguson On March 15 Edinburgh City Council’s Forestry Department will be planting a collection of exciting trees and shrubs in this little park which runs between the Water of Leith and Arboretum Road. As the UK has a critically low level of tree cover, which is needed to mitigate climate change, this small contribution will not only beautify this little park but assist in removing greenhouse gas emissions. The trees and shrubs chosen are a mix of native and select horticultural species, including Acer, Stewartia (originally Stuartia), Gingko, Metasequoia, Salix, Davidia, Magnolia and Cornus, as well as a lovely Rosa Mary Queen of Scot