stockholm going against senator kaurin, frankly loony tune. absolutely received no support when he announced. we ll get to him. i want to talk about mississippi. there s a very interesting race there. chris mcdaniel, who is challenging cochran. there was actually already a minor controversy. mother jones rortsed he addressed a neoconfederate conference and costume ball sponsored by a group called sons of confederate veterans. it turns out he wasn t at the event but has attended previous ones. this is how one member described the group. they try to connect us with the clan. scv, we are simply a heritage defense organization. we defend what our people did back in the 1860s and tell the truth, tell things you never learned in school, not in the school books. manu, that is not the i m pretty sure there s nothing like that in the autopsy from the rnc about how to build bridges. i mean, that s not going to be