Despite the Nov. 20 national holiday in Argentina, President Alberto Ferfnández is expected to show up for work Monday and hold his first meeting with President-elect Javier Milei to finalize the details of the transition toward the Dec. 10 inauguration. “I trust that tomorrow we can start working with Milei to ensure an orderly transition,” wrote the head of state on social networks. It was yet to be determined whether the encounter would be at Casa Rosada, at the Olivos presidential residency, or elsewhere.
Propelled by his PASO primary victory, the libertarian lawmaker’s team is hurriedly assessing its options. The presidential hopeful has already said who will be heading Ministries of Foreign and ‘Human Capital,’ the latter pooling sensitive areas under the leadership of a woman with an unknown background. Who might join a Javier Milei cabinet if he is elected as president: confirmed names and rumours.
Libertarian economist and media personality Javier Milei’s surprising primary win highlights widespread frustration with a political and economic system that clearly is not working.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) specialists Friday held separate video conferences with economic teams from Argentina s two main contenders for the Oct. 22 presidential elections: La Libertad Avanza (LLA) and Juntos por el Cambio (JxC).