Prepare to descend into the abyss of "The City of The Damned 2," a haunting sequel to the unholy terror that was its predecessor. This nightmarish ZDoom map, infused with the sinister essence of Monolith s "Blood," now emerges from the depths, cloaked.
Following the GZDoom port of Doom 64, BD-64 revitalizes the old Doom 64 with new special effects, particles, lightning, gore, new sounds, more weapon animations (shotgun reloads, smoother minigun barrels, etc.) and monsters and stuff cut from the original.
Arena Survival Doom – Instant Action! Play in 28 stunning arenas and 4 bonus levels (including map 01) as you fight to survive against impossible odds, where the goal is to hold out and endure long enough to beat the level! Arena Survival Doom is extremely.
A Doom 2 wad with more than the length of a single episode of Ultimate Doom worth of content. Most levels are longer than normal. Has mostly techbase themes and some urban environments. Has mind-bending puzzles and a higher-than-normal difficulty curve.