Today’s Phone Tap victim recently went commando under his kilt at a Renaissance Fair and so we’re calling to let him know that kind of behavior is gonna end you up with some medieval style punishment!
Today’s Phone Tap victim is starting a new job soon, and we’re posing as his new supervisor. We’re ready to be the COOL BOSS, the person in the office who is certain she’s the funniest person in the building.
Brooke ruined her new car, Jose's apartment is a waxy mess, Alexis impulsively bought an ugly couch, and Jeffrey has a reputation to uphold with his dentist!
Today was the first time ever a listener told us that his ENTIRE DATE was ruined by an ANT. How could one ant kill the romance? Find out in your Second Date!
Today’s Phone Tap victim always gets hit on by cougars at his restaurant job, so today Brooke is calling as a flirtatious forty-something who has her eyes on something OFF the menu, if you know what we mean…