and it s certainly a song that has got lots of these children noticed. so with a nod to the song s lyrics, what would these children do if they were king for the day? we don t have a throne, but we do have the next best thing. it s the, eh, teacher s chair. i would probably call the buckingham palace cat castle because i am in love with cats. and i would make sure that every room had at least ten cats in it. i would probably make every castle and palace have like, on the very top of it, have a giant open air roof garden. if i were king, i would eat pizza basically every day. i would have a vacation. around the whole world. do parties and all of that every day. rehearsals have kept the children at this school in south london busy. they ve even shot a music video. and the song is set to be released on the day of the king s coronation. ricky boleto, bbc news.
i would probably call buckingham palace cat castle. because i am in love with cats. i would probably make every castle and palace, on the very top of it, have a giant open air roof garden. if i were king i would eat pizza basically every day. rehearsals have kept the children at this school in south london busy. they even shot a music video. and the song is set to be released on the day of the king s coronation. ricky boleto, bbc news. # oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! #. for more stories about how people around the uk are celebrating the coronation, listen to the 5 minutes 0n podcast available on bbc sounds. time for a look at the weather. here s darren bett. it isa it is a shame that the coronation was not today because it is a lovely
because i am in love with cats. i would probably make every castle and palace, on the very top of it, have a giant open air roof garden. if i were king i would eat pizza basically every day. rehearsals have kept the children at this school in south london busy. they even shot a music video. and the song is set to be released on the day of the king s coronation. ricky boleto, bbc news. # oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! #. for more stories about how people around the uk are celebrating the coronation, listen to the 5 minutes on podcast available on bbc sounds. time for a look at the weather. here s darren bett. it isa it is a shame that the coronation was not today because it is a lovely day across many parts of the country
and it is certainly a song that has got lots of these children noticed. so with a nod to the song s lyrics, what would these children do if they were king for the day? we don t have a throne, but we do have the next best thing. it s the head teacher s chair. i would probably call buckingham palace cat castle. because i am in love with cats. i would probably make every castle and palace, on the very top of it, have a giant open air roof garden. if i were king i would eat pizza basically every day. rehearsals have kept the children at this school in south london busy. they even shot a music video. and the song is set to be released on the day of the king s coronation. ricky boleto, bbc news. # oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! more now on the other big events
Spencer Rotary Club has donated $200 to support the Cherish Center Dance, June 4, at the Roof Garden Ballroom. Rotary Treasurer Bob Rose made the donation to Lori Swanson and Rev. Jay Van Gelder, members of the dance committee. (Photo submitted)