jesus christ on the cross for al the sins of all humanity. but remember, it all begana with a mob tied to lecci. the unreasonable mob rushedhn in, arrested and killed for the things he said , whichai upset rankled them. trutd.truth h was snuffed out b, at least for a few days. that wall street journal poll recently revealed that the importance of religion has p among americans has dropped from 62%. pe 62% 25 years ago t twenty five years ago to thirty nine percent today. i t i m not sure that s really true. you see, religion seems alive justwell to just look at the fervor of these religiously minded people. look at them communication. o i know the experience of humanity during these times of catastrophic climate change is needed now that s religious activism. liturgies repeated again and again, rooted not in god , but in this case, the green gospel.. they mus t commit these acts of artistic vandalism to furthert d the cause of environment i justice. never mind that
in competition. under the new rule, any school that receives federal fundunder any school may not ban athletes from competing even outside ofof their chosen orender. their biological gender . to plis .is i want to play this for you.ites this is the white housee spokesman supporting n hethe protesters and get your reaction. lgbtq i plu ys kids are res resilient. they are they fight back . they re not going anywhere . and we have their back. this administration has their back. roo prouss td ofhi the kids across this country. who have organized protestl and school walkouts. nd t kim, very quickly, your reaction to this and to this propose d change in total, non condoning this kind of increased behavior that s leading to physical assaults and violence against womennst we is inexcusable. there s no place for it in civilized society.a and i cannot imagine a more