escort. and later sean penn on why tonight the father of a haitian boy is mourning the loss of a child who did not have to die. we haven t forgotten haiti and this totally preventable death is one reason why. i don t want to get into a fingerpointing because i know how passionate so many are. but if one more person tells me that they re an expert from africa and i m an actor from hollywood, i m going to get on here, and i ll tell you every name of every employee that lives or dies with the same disease that s going to kill these people if people don t start doing. we begin tonight with breaking news from a mile beneath the gulf of mexico. crews up above as we speak maneuvering that giant containment vessel into position. they have almost got it there. trying to cap the gusher that s been poisoning lands and sea for the last two weeks. now the slick from it is drifting westward toward the mississippi delta. federal authorities today expanding the area off limits to fishi
tonight the father of a haitian boy is mourning the loss of a child who did not have to die. we haven t forgotten haiti and this totally preventable death is one reason why. i don t want to get into a fingerpointing because i know how passionate so many are. but if one more person tells me that they re an expert from africa and i m an actor from hollywood, i m going to get on here, and i ll tell you every name of every employee that lives or dies with the same disease that s going to kill these people if people don t start doing. we begin tonight with breaking news from a mile beneath the gulf of mexico. crews up above as we speak maneuvering that giant containment vessel into position. they have almost got it there. trying to cap the gusher that s been poisoning lands and sea for the last two weeks. now the slick from it is drifting westward toward the mississippi delta. federal authorities today expanding the area off limits to fishing and closing the national wildlife