The effect of Covid-19 on adults is not fading easily and one in every three patients in Israel was found to have failed to return to pre-infection health levels even months later, revealed a new study. A peer-reviewed study by researchers from Maccabi Healthcare Services, the country’s health fund, based on surveys by 699 patients conducted found that “on an average after about five months of recovery about 34.6 per cent of participants reported not returning to their baseline health condition”.
Spotlighting the 'immense and evolving’ impact of COVID on human health, large study by health fund points to prevalence of symptoms including memory disturbances and muscle pain
White House suggests US president is being careful about COVID, but scientists now know that people don’t catch COVID-19 as a result of physical contact
Doing away with isolation for kids after exposure to virus at Omicron's peak is ‘devastating’ error in policy, says expert, but another thinks it’s a logical way to deal with wave
Professor of immunology at the Technion says 4th jab with the same vaccine and the same antigens can make it more difficult for body to respond to new variants, causing harm in the end