Mongrels can be far more lovable than pedigree breeds – it’s those little imperfections that endear them to us. Hack-and-slash adventure Stellar Blade has all the hallmarks of a cross-breed, borrowing a little from here and there while paradoxically being fronted by a perfect specimen of humanity named Eve.
“Do not try any of this at home.” Well, that’s disappointing for starters. There was me trying to pick up some tips about fixing my home electricals only to be faced with a prominent warning when loading up this confusingly titled Electrician Simulator.
You know those evidence boards beloved of detective shows? The ones with Polaroids of crime scenes, clues and downright mysteries pinned up in an effort to find some unifying theory or path forward?
You probably don’t give much thought to Robin Hood but he has been a constant in popular culture since his legend originated with English folklore ballads in the 15th century. In the intervening years, he has been the subject of theatre, radio plays, books, TV shows (remember Clannad’s theme tune to the 1984 ITV series?) and a multitude of movies (featuring among others Errol Flynn, Patrick Bergin and Russell Crowe in the title role).
Who knew three-metre-tall blue aliens were capable of perfect camouflage? Perhaps they somehow blend in with the extraordinarily colourful landscapes of Pandora, the remote-moon setting for this latest tie-in to James Cameron’s blockbuster Avatar movies about Na’vi eco-warriors.