Last month I wrote a long post explaining why I could not support Larry Lessig's new lawsuit against journalists and the New York Times for what he referred to as "Clickbait Defamation." Lessig argued that a NY Times headline and lede was false, while I argued that it was a different interpretation, but not "false,"…
that, it would be a huge mistake for democrats to focus on fighting this war over kavanaugh again. what the democrats, you know i think, look, the ronan farrows and jane mahers of this year and others may come up with a bombshell. barring that, short of that, democrats need to focus on a couple of things, like a laser. they 23450need to focus on protg the mueller investigation and develop a clear message for the primaries and for the re-election, and i think that message needs to be, making the economy work for more than just the top 1%. protecting health care, protecting coverage for pre-existing conditions, and restoring honesty to the white house. they ve got to move past kavanaugh. hmm. natasha, you have an article in the atlantic titled the fbi investigation didn t go very far by design. in the article you point out republicans like susan collins considered it as a very thorough
what they did was so hard. very brave. very brave. another point is you shouldn t leave it on the victims. that s not your first line of defense for women to come forward when they have a lot of disadvantages in this particular dynamic. the men in power, not the abusers themselves because obviously they re a little bit beyond help. but those who know. those who create these contractual arbitration clauses and those who do the settlements and pushbacks against the ronan farrows. look, you said it had to be someone like me. it is is not a change in if people like me. plenty of reporters do good work and powerful work new york times and jodie cantor did. this is a change of the women and their willingness to speak.