The Un General Assembly overwhelmingly condemned moscows latest annexations in ukraine. Only 4 countries spoke with russia. Ah, hello, im darned, jordan, this is out as they are alive from dell are also coming up. You Energy Ministers failed to agree in a strategy to bring down soaring gas prices. U. S. Radio show host alex jones was pay almost a 1000000000. 00 to families of victims of the sandy hook mass shooting to his line. But the massacre was a hoax. And wildlife expert sound the alarm of a massive biodiversity loss. As a new report reveals a steep decline in animal populations. The Un General Assembly has voted overwhelmingly to condemn russias move to annex spots of ukraine. 143 countries voted in favor of the resolution that reaffirms ukraine, sovereignty and territorial integrity. Only 4 countries joined russia and voting against it, syria, nicaragua, north korea, and bella roost. 35 abstained, including china and india. Saudi arabia accused by the u. S. Of siding with russia
Of the expanded use of deadly force. We have a large audience in the room today. At the outset, i want to note the senate rules prohibit any signs of ap to brace which would include outbursts, clapping or demonstrations. If theres someone who wishes to be witness to this hearing and cant attend in this room, there is another room available, room 226 in the dirksen building. Ill provide opening remarks and then giving senator cruz an opportunity before we turn to our witnesses. The debate over stand your ground laws raises fundamental questions about selfdefense in the be United States of america. In recent years weve seen a dramatic increase in laws expanding the situation in which a person can legally use deadly force in response to a perceived threat. Florida passed the first of this new wave of stand your ground laws in 2005. Prior to 2005, florida law held that a person outside his home could not use deadly force and then claim selfdefense if the person could have safely avoided th
Marilyn mosby under fire. If this is not the clearest case of prosecutorial misconduct, i dont know what is. She has the perception that she was the prosecutor, the judge jury, and executioner. Her rhetoric is so abusive. She seems so jay vee on this. She needs to move out of the way. She needs to step down from this prosecution. Where is her code of ethics . She certainly checked it at the door. I think she rushed to judgment. She is politically charged. Done nothing but poison the jury pool. Former homicide detective and criminal defense lawyer ted Williams Joins us. Ted, this document alone that was filed by these lawyers for the Police Officers, they are going straight at her saying that she is doing everything to unfair prejudicial publicity about them orchestrated by the state thats her. You know, there is a lot to be said about that, greta. Nobody knew who Marilyn Mosby was other than she was the states attorney for baltimore. She came out in front of the nation rock star and sh
Marilyn mosby under fire. If this is not the clearest case of prosecutorial misconduct, i dont know what is. She has the perception that she was the prosecutor, the judge jury, and executioner. Her rhetoric is so abusive. She seems so jay vee on this. She needs to move out of the way. She needs to step down from this prosecution. Where is her code of ethics . She certainly checked it at the door. I think she rushed to judgment. She is politically charged. Done nothing but poison the jury pool. Former homicide detective and criminal defense lawyer ted Williams Joins us. Ted, this document alone that was filed by these lawyers for the Police Officers, they are going straight at her saying that she is doing everything to unfair prejudicial publicity about them orchestrated by the state thats her. You know, there is a lot to be said about that, greta. Nobody knew who Marilyn Mosby was other than she was the states attorney for baltimore. She came out in front of the nation rock star and sh
Target of a hightech invasion. Chinese hackers broke into a u. S. Government Computer System and stole personal information on at least four million current and former federal employees. Chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett is following this developing story. Reporter federal cyber officials first noticed the hack of government servers in april. In early may, investigators confirmed hackers infiltrated the office of Personnel Management. The Clearing House for all federal employee records, and the interior department. The four million current and former federal employees are at risk because the hack reached into databases containing what the government calls personally identifiable information including job assignments, performance ratings, and training. Officials said the hack did not access information collected in background or security clearance investigations. They warned the investigation could reveal more federal employees at risk. The process of notifying those affecte