joy lepola ffx 45 news at 5:00 a.. baltimore county .police officer. was indicted lasttmonth. in. the death of .a. prndallstown teen. teen. james la-board. facesscharges. of. voluntary áandááinvoluntaar manslaughter . in. the death. of. 17 year old say. la-bbard. chassd .. - after. some teens. who.. threw a rock. at his front door ./ each. count .carries a aximumm.. of. 10 years in ppison./. la-board. was. off duty at the time. last month. a baltimore man. was. in. intensiie care./ after . county police arrested him./. loved-ones. of. davontae nichols. bblieve. the officer. struck nichols in tte heaadwith a officer says .ittwas. accidental./. police. charged nichols .with several charges. including resisting arrest. for. the second less thaa a week, . city police. are dealing with violence. in thh central park heights neighborhh/ neighborhood../ a. man died .earlier this weee . after e was founn shot and sttbbed .on. spaulding avenue sundayy../ n thursdaa,. anoth