KUOW dropped some Durkan texts: The public radio station s story confirms a report from the
Seattle Times about the city s public records office recreating missing texts to and from Mayor Jenny Durkan during the protests and the rise of CHOP last summer. Those texts appear to come from group chats the Mayor had with staffers, and they re pre-ttay, pre-ttay, pre-ttaaaaaaaaay funny.
A couple quick takeaways: Durkan and former Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best get pumped when Brandi Kruse, a news commentator for the local Fox affiliate, plans to shadow the cops. The vaunted former chief of police described the fallout of Sawant leading protests into City Hall thusly: no issues. (As I wrote yesterday, a reactionary group with dubious mailer strategies is trying to make that moment a very serious issue.) Durkan also politely condescends to