By: Adam Torkildson Lehi Free Press To stay competitive for lucrative movie-making deals, Utah and other states have increased tax incentives for film and television projects. Known for films like “Dances With Wolves” and his hit TV series “Yellowstone,” Oscar-winning actor and director Kevin Costner is urging Utah legislators to increase tax incentives for films […]
Kevin Costner wants Utah lawmakers to pass legislation that would give more tax rebates to film productions that shoot in Utah. Costner told the Deseret News this week that he hopes lawmakers pass a proposal to exempt rural productions from an existing cap on the amount of taxes productions can receive back from the state's Motion Picture Incentive Program. The program allows productions to get back 20-25% of the taxes they pay on direct production expenditures, including goods, services, wages and income, up to $8.3 million. Costner said he has several movies he would like to film in Utah, but doing so will depend on the rebates offered.
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) Kevin Costner, the Academy Award-winning actor-director known for films such as “Dances With Wolves,” is lobbying Utah lawmakers, urging them to expand the size of the state’s tax rebate program by exempting rural productions. “My biggest hope is that the state backs SB49 and that dream becomes a reality. I […]
A bill meant to protect health care workers from violence and a rule change to limit press access in the Utah Senate won final legislative approval during a busy morning for the Utah Legislature on Tuesday.
The Senate gave final approval to HB32, which would offer enhanced protection from assault to all health care workers in Utah, and adopted SR1 to limit press access at the Capitol. The Senate also passed a film incentives program, which some hope could bring future Hollywood productions to rural Utah, including Kevin Costner’s planned cinematic universe of Western epics.