Greg they wanted to go, but they were too busy. Rosanna that is the second part of the equation. Going do it this day . No, sorry. How about that day . No. Greg someday i will learn french. Rosanna maybe if i asked them if they want to go out dancing. Greg dancing with your mom. Rosanna i can dance. Greg i have seen you dance. Rosanna a little like you blame from seinfeld. Greg the Rockefeller Christmas tree about to be put up. York. It will go up tomorrow at 30 rock. The Lighting Ceremony is not until december 2. Greg faisal in the news, our ferdinand c, they own the be sinking very much for the tree. Greg it is an honor. Greg that is my tree. You want to take it off my property, you have to pay. Rosanna i think that they planned another tree. They have the money. They have the money. Im sure that they have lighting. Last night i was at this incredible concert. David lynch foundation. You know we had our broth on here. Popular. Rosanna listen. At carnegie hall. Oh, my goodness. He is