A noticeable number of people did not return after the interval. ‘A Musical of War and Friendship’ could and should have been so relevant at the time of writing.
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The Sydney II: Lost and Found
When HMAS Sydney was sunk by the disguised German Raider HSK Kormoran in 1941, it took with her the entire crew of 645 men. Among them was a young Western Australian Able Seaman, Allan Rowe. For 66 years, Allan s wife and daughter hoped that one day the wreck would be located.
In 2008, due to the persistence of the volunteers of the Finding Sydney Foundation, that dream came true. This epic story of love and loss, fear and courage, and the resolution of a mystery for those who never gave up hope, will be brought to life using the immediacy of the theatre with the visual impact of cinema. Acclaimed actor Myles Pollard leads the dynamic cast across the ocean and eras as we chart the loss and discovery of Australia s famous warship and her valiant crew.